Hey there and thanks for popping by. My name is Rob Crawford, and I started writing music and making art when I was twenty, not surprisingly, as a remedy for so much of a world I couldn’t make sense of. As it turns out fifteen years later I still can’t make heads from tails in this funny place we call life, but I’ve determined to enjoy it nonetheless.
Interesting what one can do with almost nothing.
- Andrew Wyeth
The work I produce is almost entirely inspired by nature. I find nature to be a most accommodating companion. She is gentle, wise, endearing and enduring.
As a student of the forest, the lyrics I write and the scenes I hope to capture through my art all tell a story of hope and of longing for a safe place to rest, to ponder, and simply enjoy the abundance of life.
One thing I can say for certain - there is power in story. And I strongly believe this world would be a very different place if we shared ours more recklessly.
Crawford’s Grove is simply the place where I share my journey, both personal and creative, in hopes of inspiring those who saunter through this grove to reflect on their own stories and find the courage to share them.
There is much left to be discovered in the forest, but for now, this little grove is mine to steward.
So as you venture through these woods, I hope you allow the spirit of the forest to permeate your innermost being. It’d be my highest honor for you to welcome a piece of my art into your home or carry one of my songs with you as you go about your day. And if you’d like to hear the full story of how all this came to be, I encourage you to grab a copy of my book Thrill of the Hunt - Life Lessons from a Puppy.